
Here is a list of proposed mini experiments I will conduct this summer using the idealized estuary (above). This list includes ideas from our last meeting as well as new thoughts. I’ve included six items. With roughly 10 weeks spanning the summer months, my hope is to work through at least 5 of these experiments. Please let me know if you have any feedback.

I’d also like to read literature as I work through these mini experiments. Reading should help build context for these experiments and should help generate ideas for analysis and comparison. As the summer progresses, I will update this post with relevant citations.

1. Constant Wind Stress

Changes to Forcing: To model a constant wind stress, I will add atmospheric forcing to the idealized estuary. The wind stress will be alongshore (E-W).

Analysis: Calculate a tidally-averaged velocity profile and compare to the analytical velocity profile calculated in CEWA 570 (Hydrodynamics). Check whether wind induced upwelling or downwelling events.


MacCready, P., Banas, N. S., Hickey, B. M., Dever, E. P., & Liu, Y. (2009). A model study of tide-and wind-induced mixing in the Columbia River Estuary and plume. Continental Shelf Research, 29(1), 278-291.

2. WWTP Nutrient Loading

Changes to Forcing: Add a WWTP outfall to the idealized estuary and vary nutrient discharge concentrations.

Analysis: For this analysis, I plan to “turn on” oxygen, phytoplankton, nitrate, etc. to track the biogeochemical impacts of nutrient loading.

3. Bottom Boundary Conditions

Changes to Forcing: Modify sediment flux parameter.

Analysis: Compare set-up and results to other models such as SSM, 1-D biogeochemistry models, and the Peter-Parker model.

4. Seasonal Variability

Changes to Forcing: With seasonal variability, I am interested in running the idealized estuary model for a full year and temporally varying the river flowrate.

Analysis: Look at changes to stratification and salinity between different seasons. Observe any differences in exchange flow velocities. Calculate estuarine Richardson number for the different seasons.

5. Temperature Stratification

Changes to Forcing: Increase the temperature of the river inflow to simulate warming. Or possibly add solar radiation as a surface boundary condition.

Analysis: Observe changes to stratification, phytoplankton growth, and hypoxia.

6. Proximity of WWTP to River

Changes to Model: Model a WWTP outfall discharging into a river, and model a WWTP outfall discharging from the coast further away from the river.

Analysis: Add tracers to the WWTP outfall and compare whether the relative position of a WWTP and river alters the tendency for blooms or hypoxia.