Updated One-Year Schedule
Our goal is to have a draft of my Master’s thesis by the end of the 2023 calendar year. This is an ambitious goal. Below is a more formalized one-year schedule that will get us to this December 2023 goal.
For each season listed below, I have provided two main categories of tasks. However, with the exception of Autumn 2022, these two categories are not necessarily consecutive. Rather, I expect to parallelize the work. The reason for this being that LiveOcean takes some time to run. I thus anticipate setting up a model run, and then busying myself with reading/writing/idea-generation tasks for a few days.
Autumn 2022: TRAPS Integration & Modeling Tests
TRAPS Integration
- Finish integrating TRAPS into LiveOcean
- Debug and resolve known issues
- Write READMEs for TRAPS
Modeling Tests
- Run the model for a year with and without WWTP nitrate (see what happens)
- Based on results, begin brainstorming interesting science questions I can ask
- Run idealized NPZD models on the side to better understand biogeochemistry response to different initial conditions
Winter 2023: Model Validation & Hypothesis Generation
Model Validation
- Run short experiments and compare to field data
- Refine biogeochemistry rate parameters
Hypothesis Generation
- Based on Autumn results, test out diferent methods of data analysis
- Deep dive into literature
- Provide ideas for data analysis methods
- Help narrow focus for hypothesis
- Reach out to PhD students working on Long Island Sound or Chesapeake and learn what they are doing
- Run model in background to tease out which hypotheses may actually be interesting
Spring 2023: Hypothesis Refinement, Modeling Experiments, Documentation
Hypothesis Refinement & Modeling Experiments
- Hypothesis refinement and modeling experments go hand in hand as one will help inform the other
- Run LiveOcean experiment to test preliminary hypothesis
- Ask: did anything unexpected happen? What can I do to amplify this unexpected result and narrow down reasons for why it happened?
- Read more literature on similar experiments
- Repeat process
- Begin implementing more advanced data analysis methods
- Document preliminary results in a report & presentation
- Prepare for Gordon Conference in June (Smithfield, RI)
Summer 2023: Experiment Refinement, Data Analysis, Documentation
Experiment Refinement & Data Analysis
- Based on experimental results, ask if there was a better way I could test the same hypothesis –> Refine experiment
- Improve data analysis methods
- Building up from prior report, begin drafting thesis
- Read literature as necessary to fill in gaps
Autumn 2023: Documentation
- Focus on writing thesis draft
- CERF Conference? (Portland, OR)